Sleep Study

Sleep evaluation study

Total number of completes required

N= 400 Consumers N=100 Doctors

Length of Interview

20 minutes

Incidence rate

15% of General Population


US and Germany

Target Audience

Consumers who have experienced problems with sleep. Doctors who prescribed sleep remedies. Questions were asked on a number of health and wellbeing topics followed by a web evaluations and Hot spot exercise. Quotas were in place on sleep patterns, insurance membership and client segmentation.

Subject matter

Sleep study

Fieldwork Duration

7 days

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Tabloid Newspapers

Newspaper evaluation study

Total number of completes required

N= 1500 unique respondents

Length of Interview

15 minutes

Incidence rate

20% of General Population



Target Audience

Tabloid Newspaper readers. Questions were asked on a number of topics followed by a conjoint exercise. Quotas were in place on publication, frequency of readership and purchase.

Subject matter

Newspaper Readers

Fieldwork Duration

5 days

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Shopping Shelf Study

Shopping shelf evaluation

Total number of completes required

N= 400 unique respondents

Length of Interview

15 minutes

Incidence rate

60% of target audince


UK and Germany

Target Audience

Male general consumers. Questions were asked on shopping preferences and a set of shopping shelves were displayed to respondents showing various different designs and brands . Hot Spot data was collected for each allowing us to gauge customer reactions.

Subject matter

Male shoppers

Fieldwork Duration

5 days

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Public affairs

Consumer Study

Total number of completes required

N=1,000 unique respondents

Length of Interview

20 minutes

Incidence rate

Ranged from 80% of target audince



Target Audience

General consumers. Questions were asked to gauge the thoughts and opinions of general consumers amongst various topics. Nat. Rep quotas were set on age, gender, region and SEG

Subject matter

Views of the general public

Fieldwork Duration

2 days

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Telco Decision Makers

IT/ Telco Decision Makers

Total number of completes required

N=700 unique respondents

Length of Interview

20 minutes

Incidence rate

70% of target audince



Target Audience

IT and Telecommunications decision makers in companies with 1-1,000 employees. 5 quota groups were in place for company size.

Subject matter

IT/ Telco Decision makers

Fieldwork Duration

7 days

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Mobile Apps

Mobile provider customers with smartphones.

Total number of completes required

N=15,000 unique respondents

Length of Interview

8 minutes

Incidence rate

Ranged from 60 – 7% of target audince



Target Audience

Mobile provider customers with smartphones who had downloaded specific apps and used them within the last month. Interlocking quotas on mobile provider, category and app usage. Some apps were monthly subscription based whilst others were one off payment apps.

Subject matter

Smartphone owners

Fieldwork Duration

14 days

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News Publications

Readers of specific News/ economic publications (3 titles with 2 also being offered online)

Total number of completes required

N=450 unique respondents

Length of Interview

15 minutes

Incidence rate

25% of target audince


Hong Kong

Target Audience

Readers of 3 ‘News/ economic’ publications. Respondents had to read the newspapers/ refer to the news websites at least 5 days a week.

Subject matter

Frequent readers of daily news/ economic publications

Fieldwork Duration

5 days

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Pay TV Study

Pay TV Subscribers.

Total number of completes required

N=450 unique respondents

Length of Interview

15 minutes

Incidence rate

Ranged from 40% to 8% of target audience



Target Audience

Pay TV Subscribers. Our task was too identify and interview 3 sub-segments within the clients target audience. Once the survey had been completed, there was a 3 minute recruit where a selected number of respondents were invited to take part in a 2 week Qual. exercise.

Subject Matter

Digital TV

Fieldwork Duration

3 days

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Type 2 Diabetics

100 Type 2 Diabetics.

Total number of completes required

N=100 unique respondents

Length of Interview

20 minutes

Incidence rate

3% of general pop



Target Audience

Type 2 Diabetics using clear insulin, over 40 years when diagnosed by a healthcare professional (not during pregnancy), currently using ‘long acting (basal) insulin which is not administered through a pump.

Subject matter

Type 2 Diabetics who use clear insulin.

Fieldwork Duration

10 days

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